Doors of Hope depends entirely on monetary and in-kind donations from private donors, businesses, churches and grants from charitable organizations. We receive no federal, state, or local assistance. Financial contributions, as well as needed household items, help the families we support.

Donations are used to maintain the shelter units as well as rent and utility expenses for our clients. In addition, we supply toiletries, cleaning supplies, paper products, school supplies, and other household items.
Donations we need:
- Toilet paper
- Paper towels
- Shampoo and conditioner
- Soap
- Cleaning supplies
- Laundry Detergent
- Diapers
- Baby Wipes
- Strollers
- Trash bags
- Dish and laundry detergent
- Crockpots
- Aluminum Foil / Zip Lock bags
- Kitchen utensils
- Bedding / sheets / pillows / mattress pads
- Towels
Interested in Donating or doing a Donation Drive?
Doors of Hope is a nonprofit who helps at-risk homeless families in Lafayette County. We are so thankful for everyone who has donated to us, we couldn’t continue what we do without the donations from our community. If you are interested in doing a donation drive, please click below and fill out the form so we can coordinate drop-off/pickup and answer any questions you may have. If you would like to do a monetary donation, please use one of the following methods below to do so. Also, if you visit our Donate page, you can make a donation in honor of someone! It makes a great gift for any holiday. Again, thank you for your support!
With Cash
Cash donations can be brought or mailed to our office at 924 Van Buren Ave. Oxford, MS 38655
By Check
Checks can be made out to Doors of Hope Transition Ministries and mailed to 924 Van Buren Ave. Oxford, MS 38655
ArrayGive Online
If you would like to donate online, please follow the link below or Venmo us @Doorsofhope-ox